The Agriculture Magazine is a peer-reviewed, open access monthly magazine, initiated for the purpose of providing information about novel innovations and techniques developed in agriculture and its allied sectors. Other than agriculture, it also focuses on the environmental aspects as it is of greater concern in present scenario and is needed to be addressed by agriculturists. This magazine gives a platform to researchers, scientists, students, innovative and progressive farmers and also any other members of scientific community to share their innovative ideas and to spread awareness in agriculture sector by publishing articles addressing the current and future needs. The Agriculture Magazine also aims at providing a platform to different agri and agri-tech start-ups to showcase their success stories, business ideas and plans, thereby enticing a sense of innovativeness among brilliant minds throughout out the world.
Vision and Mission
Informative, innovative and content rich communication of information is most needed and is of great priority. A broad spectrum of advancement of technologies and other possibilities in farming sector has become very important, consequently, the agriculture magazine is helping in disseminating such information to the farming community as well as other such agencies, institutes, organisations, etc. to provide them with the latest developments in the field of agriculture and environmental studies. The Agriculture magazine is appealing due to its unique way of presentation of information which further helps in providing a platform for comprehensive data sharing regarding different aspects of agriculture including its policies, technologies, economics and other scientific advances.
Our Testimonials
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Andy Guscott
Developer, Google
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In est sem, ultrices ornare molestie sit amet, placerat vel arcu. Phasellus quis massa id sem pretium dictum. Donec sed sollicitudin est, sit amet eleifend ipsum. Vivamus nec pretium turpis.

Kirstin W. Everton
Graphic Designer, Apple